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music school 音樂學校。

music stand

It s a style grounded on the exceptional musicianship that these four talented performers crafted at two of australia s finest tertiary music schools : the canberra school of music at the australian national university and the elder conservatorium of music at adelaide university 這種風格建基于不平凡的音樂才能,四位歌手本身才華出眾,于澳洲兩所最出色的專上音樂院校修讀,包括澳洲國立大學的坎培拉音樂學院及阿德萊德大學的長老音樂學院。

Bill conti has been honored with a star on the hollywood walk of fame for his contributions and achievements in music . mr . conti graduated with bachelor s and master s degrees from the nation s top music school , the juilliard school of music , in new york 有鑒于比爾康迪在音樂上卓越的表現與貢獻,聞名世界的好萊塢星光步道特地烙印了一顆以康迪先生為名的閃亮金色之星以茲表揚。

Grace yu , currently lecturer of the music school of the hong kong academy for performing arts , is one of the most versatile musicians in hong kong , who displays multi musical talents in conducting , piano playing and music academic research 指揮余頌恩,現任香港演藝學院之音樂學院講師,是一位在管弦樂指揮、鋼琴演奏及音樂學術研究上均展露出過人才華的音樂家。

American pianist mimi solomon was born in 1977 . she successively pursued her study in distinguished institutes such as yale university and julliard music school , acquiring the artist diploma 美國青年鋼琴家,咪咪?所羅門于1977年生于美國密歇根州,先后在耶魯大學和茱利亞音樂學院獲得學士和碩士學位,并獲得藝術家文憑,目前在巴黎進修。

A successful symphony musician comes to a bucolic village with his girlfriend to visit an old school friend who is the director of the local music school and plays an occasional funeral 一個事業成功的交響音樂家和他的女友來到一個牧歌般的鄉村,拜訪一個老同學,后者是當地音樂學校的指揮,偶爾也為葬禮演奏。

Facing to all singing amateurs , he bingxin america and europe pop music school is aiming at training a new generation of chinese preeminent pop singers for music companies 賀冰新歐美流行音樂培訓學校,面向全社會愛好歌唱的大眾,學校目標是為國內各唱片公司提供中國未來流行音樂界新一代的歌手代表。

A self - taught musician , violao says there was never a music school when he grew up . only recently did the former portuguese - colony open its first music school 作為一個自學成才的音樂家, v說其實在他成長的階段還沒有一所音樂學校,直到最近,這個前葡萄牙殖民地才開辦了第一所音樂學校。

A self - taught musician , violao says there was never a music school when he grew up . only recently did the former portuguese - colony open its first music school 作為一個自學成才的音樂家, v說他年輕的時候從來就沒有音樂學校。知道最近,原葡萄牙僑民才建立了第一所音樂學校。

He bingxin america and europe pop music school is located in rui cheng yi xing building , north dongsi avenue 343 , in dongcheng district in beijing , with an area of 2200 m2 賀冰新歐美流行音樂培訓學校位于北京市東城區東四北大街343號瑞城億興大廈,學校總面積2200平方米。

Your contribution will be used to distribute audio tapes of our students performances , to buy audio equipment and to construct a music school for talented children 閣下對本中心的捐款將用于發行本中心學生的表演錄音帶購置音響設備以及為資優兒童修建一所音樂學校。

Hoping for a brighter future , shy but talented violinist xiaochun and his father move to beijing for a prestigious music school , and he explores a new . . 在鄉村長大怕羞內儉的小春自幼與小提琴為伴, 13歲已獲獎無數。老父一心望子成,將兒子送往北京深造。

Please be informed , that the hayer cultural center has its own private music school , where more than 90 children from the ages of six to 20 learn the art of singing 海爾文化中心擁有一所私營音樂學校,校內計有90馀名6歲至20歲的學生修習音樂。

Instrument importers , dealers , distributors and retailers , music schools & academies , orchestras , musicians 樂器進口商、代理商、分銷商及零售商、音樂學校及學院、樂團及音樂家

She intends to use the contribution to construct a music school and to purchase more audio equipment 她將建造一所音樂學校并購置音響器材。

I want to be a conductor , and i have already chosen the best american music school 我想當一名指揮家,我已經選好了美國最好的音樂學院。

A : can you e - mail me the information about that music school 你能不能把那所音樂學校的資料以電子郵件的方式寄給我?

Can you e - mail me the information about that music school 你能不能把那所音樂學校的資料以電子郵件的方式寄給我?

From xiamen music school , studying flute playing , like vocality 來自廈門音樂學校,學習長笛演奏,愛好聲樂。

From xiamen music school , studying flute , and like vocality 來自廈門音樂學校,學習長笛演奏,愛好聲樂。